Bootstrap 4 Nav Table of Contents with Expand and Collapse Feature

Currently, I am encountering an issue with implementing a button to expand and collapse a "table of contents" in Bootstrap 4.

The code I have so far can be viewed here:

Code Snippet:

<div class="main-wrapper col-12">
    <div class="post-wrapper">
        <div class="post-body d-flex">
            <div class="post-content">

            <div class="post-toc">
                <!-- I utilize Boostrap-TOC for this table of content:>         
                <nav class="sticky-top" id="toc"></nav>


I am seeking assistance to integrate the "table of contents" within a collapsible button and achieve an animation effect upon clicking, similar to the images linked below.

Your help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To create an animation for the side menu, you need to apply a transformation and slide the menu using translateX(100%);. Adding transition: all 300ms; will give it a smooth sliding effect.

It's important to adjust the width of the side menu as it slides to ensure that the content fills the space correctly.

I believe I have successfully achieved the desired effect. Check out the example here:

Answer №2

I incorporated some dynamic movement using jQuery, along with integrating a button and applying Bootstrap classes to center your primary content.

Check out the jQuery function I used below:

$(function() {
  $("#toc-button").click( function() {
    $(".post-toc").stop(true).animate({width:'toggle'}, 400);

View a demonstration here:

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