What is the best way to align this button beside my form field instead of having it appear two lines below?

I am currently in the process of learning Django as I work on creating a website. However, my knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is limited. To tackle this issue, I decided to use a website builder to generate a template for me, which I can then modify to fit my needs. Here's the specific problem I'm facing:

Link to Picture of Problematic Section

I am struggling to position the yellow button next to the form field, and I am unsure how to resolve this issue.

Below is the corresponding section from my HTML file:

<div class="u-align-left u-container-style u-layout-cell u-right-cell u-shape-rectangle u-size-30 u-size-xs-60 u-layout-cell-2" src="">
            <div class="u-container-layout u-container-layout-5" src="">
              <h2 class="u-align-center u-custom-font u-text u-text-default u-text-6">Add</h2>
              <p class="u-align-left u-custom-font u-heading-font u-text u-text-2">
                <form method='POST' class='post-form'>
                  {% csrf_token %} 
                  {{ forms.newcat.non_field_errors }}
                  <div class="fieldWrapper">
                    {{ forms.newcat.name.errors }}
                    <label for="{{ forms.newcat.name.id_for_label }}">New Category Name </label>
                    {{ forms.newcat.name }}
                <button type='submit' name='addcategory' class="u-btn u-btn-round u-button-style u-hover-palette-3-light-2 u-palette-3-light-1 u-radius-50 u-btn-1">Add</button>

Side note: While I suspect that the problem lies within the HTML components, I am willing to provide the CSS file if necessary. Thank you in advance for any assistance!

Answer №1

You have 2 methods to accomplish this task.

  1. Utilize Inline Elements: This approach involves placing new elements on the same line, ensuring that your label, input, and button are all aligned horizontally.

  2. Implement CSS flex (see example below)
    When using flexbox, all elements within the container will be positioned along the same axis by default.

.container {
  display: flex;
<form class="container">
  <label for="category">New Category Name</label>
  <input type="text" id="category">
  <input type="submit" value="Add">

Answer №2

Eureka! To all those who may come across a similar issue in the future:

The culprit was an extra margin assigned to the button, causing it to not align properly with other elements on the same line. Surprisingly, the problem stemmed from the CSS file rather than the HTML code. After identifying the button's class name (u-btn-1) and locating it in the CSS file, I discovered a margin setting of 96px. By resetting this value to zero, the issue was quickly resolved!

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