What is the best way to align this alert in the center of the screen

Hey there, I'm facing an issue with aligning an alert horizontally when a user clicks a button. I've been trying different methods but can't seem to get it right. The goal is to keep the alert within #main. You can check out this fiddle for reference.

Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

Ensure that the #main element has a CSS property of position set to something other than static. Then, apply these rules to the alert:

position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
margin-left: -width;
margin-top: -height;

Remember to substitute width and height with their correct values.

Answer №2

After @Darkwater suggested a CSS solution, I developed a jQuery plugin that still utilizes CSS for quick reuse on multiple objects.

To create a new method in jQuery called center:

$.fn.center = function() {
    .css("margin",(-(this.height()/2))+"px 0 0 "+(-(this.width()/2))+"px"); 
    return this;

Simply bind it to your object (such as your alert div#message) right after the .show() method:


This will center the div both vertically and horizontally.

NOTE: Remember to call the center() method immediately after the show() or any similar method that displays the element on the DOM, as jQuery may not handle hidden elements properly.

Answer №3

Your code structure and CSS positioning need some adjustments. Instead of using position: fixed;, consider using position: relative; for #main and position: absolute; for #message. Also, make sure to shift your message div within #main div.

When centering a div, remember to calculate the value for top: value (-)minus height of the div to achieve vertical center alignment.

Check out my Fiddle example

Answer №4

  visibility: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  text-align: center;

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