What is the best way to adjust a horizontal list of inline elements to stack vertically when the div container is resized?

Here is the issue I'm facing (notice how the yellow tiles are overflowing):

(view image here) because my reputation points are not enough.

The screenshot above illustrates how the small yellow rectangles are extending beyond the boundaries of the grey box.

I would like the tiles to behave as shown in the simulated screenshot below:

(view image here) due to insufficient reputation points.

In essence, I want the dynamically generated JavaScript tiles to automatically conform to the limits of their parent container and shift down to a new row instead of overflowing.

These tiles are coded as follows:

<span class='tile'>Tile content</span>

...and they are created using JavaScript. The tiles are placed within a div:

<div id="conversionPanel" class="panel">
       <span class='tile'>Tile1</span>
       <span class='tile'>Tile2</span>
       <!-- additional tiles can vary in number -->

The CSS for the conversionPanel is simple: margin: 0 auto; width: 500px;

The CSS styles applied to the tiles are:

.tile {
   border:1px solid white;
   /* Additional visual effects in css3 */

If anyone could assist me with this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. I have searched extensively but haven't found a solution yet.

Answer №1

This code snippet makes it simple to style tiles as individual words within a centered panel. The CSS provided styles the panels and tiles accordingly.

   .panel {
     text-align: center;
     width: 300px;
   .tile {
     border:1px solid white;

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