What is the best way to activate a scrollbar exclusively for the final section in fullpage.js?

Is there a way to enable a scrollbar for the last section only in fullpage.js?

This is what I attempted:

  scrollBar: true,
  fitToSection: false,

Unfortunately, it didn't work as expected.

Answer №1

To enable scrolling for sections with content larger than the viewport in fullpage.js, use the option scrollOverflow:true.

If only your last section has content that exceeds the viewport size, a scroll bar will be added to that section only.

According to the documentation:

scrollOverflow: (default false) determines whether a scroll is created for a section if its content is taller than the section itself. When set to true, the plugin will wrap the content. Consider delegating or loading other scripts in the afterRender callback. If set to true, ensure the vendor plugin jquery.slimscroll.min is loaded before fullPage.js.

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