I'm having trouble getting rid of this stubborn loader on the website

I am currently utilizing the following template: . My objective is to eliminate the preloader progress bar that displays the loading progress of the page in percentage. The files associated with this preloader are as follows:

Loader CSS File - www[dot]themenesia[dot]com/themeforest/archi-light/css/jpreloader.css

JS File - www[dot]themenesia[dot]com/themeforest/archi-light/js/jpreloader.js

Page CSS File - www[dot]themenesia[dot]com/themeforest/archi-light/css/style.css

I have attempted to delete both of these files and removed the css link and script from the page. Additionally, I eliminated the specified style from line 55 of the Page CSS File:

body {

Despite taking these steps, the page continues to fail to load and appears blank on screen. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

I believe the identifier for the loader is #jpreOverlay.

Attempting to include the following:

#jpreOverlay { display: none !important; }

in your CSS might solve the issue.

Answer №2

To customize your website's appearance, include the following CSS:

#customOverlay { 
    visibility: hidden !important; 

Answer №3

The reason why the screen appears blank is because you have hidden the content. The loader on the screen is probably coded with JavaScript, so in order to remove it, you will need to delete both the JavaScript and HTML code related to the loader. Additionally, make sure to remove the following line of code:

body {
   display: none;

By doing this, the main page will be visible and the loader won't appear anymore.

Answer №4

body {
    display: block !important;

Include the code snippet provided below in your css file.


Remove the specified lines from designesia.js

// --------------------------------------------------
    // preloader
    // --------------------------------------------------

    //calling jPreLoader function with properties
        splashID: "#jSplash",
        splashFunction: function () {  //passing Splash Screen script to jPreLoader
            var timer = setInterval(function () {
            }, 1500);
    }, function () {    //jPreLoader callback function

        jQuery(function () {
            var v_url = document.URL;

            if (v_url.indexOf('#') != -1) {
                var v_hash = v_url.substring(v_url.indexOf("#") + 1);

                jQuery('html, body').animate({
                    scrollTop: jQuery('#' + v_hash).offset().top - 70
                }, 200);
                return false;


    // End of jPreLoader script

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