What is the best method for resetting the CSS style of a specific DOM subtree?

While working on a Chrome Extension, I encountered a problem where an HTML subtree and CSS style sheet injected into the original page were being affected by the original CSS. Despite my attempts to override the styles, it seemed unfeasible to manually set every default attribute. Here is a snippet of the issue:

<!DOCTYPE html>


/* original CSS */
input[type="text"] {
    background: green;

input[type="text"]:focus {
    background: yellow;

/* my injected CSS somewhere else */
.injected-root input[type="text"] {
    border: solid 1px navy;

<input type="text" value="original text">
<div class='injected-root'>
    <input type="text" value="injected text">

The main challenge was ensuring that the injected HTML subtree remained unaffected by the original CSS present on the random pages from the internet. This led me to ponder:

  • Is there a way to reset the style of a subtree completely?


  • Any other strategy to make the subtree seem like it exists in an "isolated universe" only governed by its own injected CSS rules?

Answer №1

A) Indeed, it is possible to reset styles for a specific section of the DOM referred to as a "subtree". However, caution must be exercised as overriding all styles of nested elements within the .injected-root could lead to unforeseen consequences. It may become necessary to utilize !important in order to effectively reset the original styles, though this can result in a tangled web of specificity issues when applying styles to your own elements.

B) Alternatively, a more robust solution would involve creating a web component and utilizing the shadow DOM to seamlessly insert elements and apply styles in a controlled manner.

For more information, refer to:

Answer №2

Although the <iframe> is commonly used, there is a new attribute in CSS3 that may offer an alternative solution in the future. The all attribute provides control over the inheritance of all CSS attributes. Unfortunately, browser support for this attribute is not yet widespread. However, if you are specifically targeting Chrome, this limitation may not be relevant.

To implement this rule, use:

.injected-root {all: initial;}

For example, you can see how it works here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pbPKby

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