Where can I locate a specific child element in this scenario?

Currently, I am exploring the possibilities of integrating AngularJS into my application and have encountered a question regarding the click event implementation.

Within my HTML code:

<div ng-click='clickMe()' ng-controller='testCtrl'>
   <img src='test.png'/>
   more codes...

In my controller.js file:

.controller('testCtrl', function(){
   $scope.clickMe = function(){

I am seeking assistance on how to effectively utilize the $(this).find() method in Angular to locate images or other elements. Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Answer №1

Utilizing Angular's databinding capabilities is preferred over directly manipulating the DOM within a controller...

<div ng-click='clickMe()' ng-controller='testCtrl'>
   <img ng-src='{{imgSrc}}'/>
   more codes...


.controller('testCtrl', function(){
   $scope.imgSrc = 'test.png';
   $scope.clickMe = function(){
       $scope.imgSrc = 'newImg.png';

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