Looking to spice up your jQuery modal dialog with unique and varied styles?

Can anyone explain why the grid displayed in our jQuery modal dialog (jqGrid) appears with different styles, specifically font size, compared to the grid on our main screen? I would appreciate any insights or suggestions.

Answer №1

Although jqGrid is not a jQuery UI widget, it still uses jQuery UI styles which makes the appearance quite similar. It's not identical, but pretty close.

If you provide some code in your question, someone can assist you better.

UPDATE: The dialogs in jqGrid use font-size:11px. You can apply the same CSS setting to jQuery UI dialogs to override the default 1.1em value. To do this, add the following to your CSS:

.ui-widget { font-size: 11px !important; }

Answer №2

By explicitly defining the jq grid style within the table element as class="ui-jqgrid", it appears to have positive results:

<div style="display:none" id="dialog-activity">
<table class="ui-jqgrid" id="tact_list"></table>
<div id="tact_pager"></div>

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