I'm having difficulty grasping how this CSS is being used

There's something strange about the way this CSS is being used, and I can't quite wrap my head around it.

.tablecontainer table

I'm familiar with table.tablecontainer, which indicates that the class attribute is equal to "tablecontainer"

Answer №1

Here is the explanation:

<div class='containertable'>
    <table> <!-- Any table here, or within '.containertable', will be impacted -->

Any table inside the class .containertable will be affected by the CSS styles you apply to .containertable table {.

This doesn't necessarily mean it has to be a direct child, just that any table element inside containertable will be affected.

This also includes:

<div class='containertable'>
    <div class='anotherClass'>
        <table> <!-- this table is also subject to the CSS rules -->

Answer №2

This code snippet targets all table elements that are contained within an element with the class containertable

To learn more, visit: CSS selectors Selecting an element only when inside another element

Answer №3

.containertable table { ... } pertains to the following:

<div class='containertable'>

Answer №4

This rule specifies that all tables must have a parent element, either directly or indirectly, with the class "containertable"

For example:

<div class="containertable">
 <table> </table>


<div class="containertable">
 <h3> </h3>
 <table> </table>


<div class="containertable">
  <div class="someclass">
     <table> </table>

but not:

<table class="containertable">


 <tr class="containertable"> </tr>

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