Modify the font style of the jQuery autocomplete box to customize the text appearance

Hello, I'm a beginner with jquery and currently experimenting with the autocomplete feature. I managed to change the font of the dropdown list successfully but struggling to do the same for the input field itself. Does anyone know how to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

 .ui-autocomplete.ui-widget {
      font: 400 1.5em/125% 'Sofia', Helvetica, Sans-serif;
      cursor: default;
      height: 200px;
      overflow-y: scroll;

      font: 400 1.5em/125% 'Sofia', Helvetica, Sans-serif;

  #input autocomplete {
      font: 400 1.5em/125% 'Sofia', Helvetica, Sans-serif;

    font: 400 1.5em/125% 'Sofia', Helvetica, Sans-serif;

Answer №1

What is the structure of your HTML code?

Are there any identifiers or classes associated with the input elements?

Your current code looks like this:

    font: 400 1.5em/125% 'Sofia', Helvetica, Sans-serif;

This means that your input has a class of 'input'. It seems like what you intended to do was:

    font: 400 1.5em/125% 'Sofia', Helvetica, Sans-serif;

Just a note: I have removed the dot '.' from the selector for the input class.

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