What is the best method for incorporating various fonts in CSS?

Despite being new to the world of coding, I have been exploring ways to enhance the typography on my website. A tutorial I found on W3Schools touches on the usage of CSS for incorporating different font styles across my webpages. Among other things, it explains how to specify specific font families for different sections within an HTML document.

Intrigued by this concept, I began to wonder about the interaction between HTML and CSS. Shouldn't the doctype declaration at the top define this as an HTML file? How exactly does CSS influence the layout and styling of the fonts displayed on the webpage?

Answer №1

The style tag, also known as what you mentioned, is used to embed CSS directly into an HTML document. It can contain any CSS styling, all enclosed within the tag.

    body {
        background-color: #333;

This differs from linking an external CSS file which uses the link element:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css">

Additionally, the style attribute can be utilized to apply styles to a specific element within its HTML tag.

<a href="https://google.com" style="color: black;">Google</a>

In terms of their relationship, HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) serves as the fundamental structure for a webpage, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) dictates its visual appearance. These two components work together closely and are typically used in conjunction. This is why the style tag was created to incorporate CSS directly into HTML. Both CSS and JavaScript can be included within HTML documents or linked externally through files.

Answer №2

Everything enclosed by the tags <style>and </style> represents the css code here. There exists various methods to incorporate css styles. One way is to directly apply a style to an html element:

<p style="text-align: center; color: blue;">
  this paragraph will be centered and blue  

Another option is to write your css rules in a separate text file and then link it in the header of your webpage

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="customstyles.css">

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