Is there a way to adjust the positioning of an image within a <div> element?

I'm attempting to vertically align an image within a horizontal menu bar. My goal is to adjust the padding/margin of the image using inline CSS.

However, I've noticed that when I add margin-top or padding-top, it affects the positioning of all my links along with the image. I only want to move the image down for aesthetic purposes.

body {
background: #000000 url("/images/background.jpg") no-repeat fixed;background-size:cover;
width: 1000px;

#menu a {
text-decoration: none;
color: white;
padding-left: 25px;
padding-right: 25px;
#menu a:hover {
color: red;}    
<div id="menu"><a href="/who-is-it-for.html">WHO IS IT FOR</a><a href="/contact.html">BOOK NOW</a><a href="/team-building-locations.html">LOCATIONS</a>

<a href="/index.html"><img src="/images/logo-menu.png" alt="home" width="90" onMouseOver="this.src='/images/logo-menu-rollover.png';" onMouseOut="this.src='/images/logo-menu.png';"></a>

<a href="/team-building-photos.html">PHOTOS</a><a href="/team-building-pricing.html">PRICING</a><a href="/team-building-locations.html">NEWS</a><a href="/faqs.html">FAQ</a></div>

Answer №1

To align the a element at the top, simply add vertical-align: top.

body {
background: #000000 url("/images/background.jpg") no-repeat fixed;background-size:cover;
width: 1000px;

#menu a {
text-decoration: none;
color: white;
padding-left: 25px;
padding-right: 25px;
vertical-align: top /* included to align at top */

#menu a:hover {
color: red

img {
margin-top: 50px /* adjust per preference */
<div id="menu"><a href="/who-is-it-for.html">WHO IS IT FOR</a><a href="/contact.html">BOOK NOW</a><a href="/team-building-locations.html">LOCATIONS</a>

<a href="/index.html"><img src="//" alt="home" width="90" onMouseOver="this.src='/images/logo-menu-rollover.png';" onMouseOut="this.src='/images/logo-menu.png';"></a>

<a href="/team-building-photos.html">PHOTOS</a><a href="/team-building-pricing.html">PRICING</a><a href="/team-building-locations.html">NEWS</a><a href="/faqs.html">FAQ</a></div>

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