The table's style is not rendering properly with lengthy names

Seeking assistance with styling a table on my website. Please take a look at my website. If you search for "Rochester, mn" and scroll down, you'll notice that for long names like Tilson's Automotive and Goodyear, the text falls below the image instead of wrapping. I prefer to have the text wrap instead of dropping below the image. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue? This problem is happening on both Chrome and Firefox.

Answer №1

Adjust the maximum width of the <a> element containing the mechanic's name to approximately 175px.

Answer №2

To correct this issue, simply eliminate the float:left property from the following elements:

  • #results table tbody tr td div
  • #results table tbody tr td:first-child span
  • #results table tbody tr td a
  • #results table tbody tr td div.mechanicDiv

If you want to place the span on a new line, you can include display:block.

Answer №3

#results table tbody tr td div.mechanicDiv {
    float: left;
    margin-left: 10px;
    width: 184px;

I discovered that the maximum width available was 184px.

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