What is the behavior of webfonts that are missing specific characters?

I am facing an issue with a webfont that lacks support for Cyrillic characters, only containing Latin chars. Surprisingly, when I attempt to display Cyrillic characters, instead of showing blank or corrupt symbols (as expected), the webfont is bypassed and the characters are displayed in a system font. While this may seem like a positive outcome, I am unsure of the reason behind it. My understanding is that if a browser does not support the specified font in CSS or webfonts in general, it should resort to a fallback font. However, in this case, the substitution seems to occur even when the characters used are unsupported. Can someone clarify if my interpretation is accurate?

Answer №1

Dealing with a font that is not compatible with your language can pose some challenges. The compatibility may differ depending on the specific font and web browser being used, making it hard to establish a definitive solution.

To overcome this issue, it's advisable to ensure that your HTML document supports Unicode fonts by including the following code:

<meta charset="utf-8">

Additionally, you can consider programming your font in a stack format, which provides a fallback option if the primary font is not supported. It's essential to test your webpage in various browsers to confirm whether the desired font displays correctly or defaults to a different one. Ultimately, finding a font specifically designed for the target language could also be beneficial.

Answer №2

Typically, most web browsers utilize a missing character fallback mechanism to prevent users from seeing blank characters when a specific character is not available in the font. If a developer specifies a font family stack like

font-family: MyCyrillicFont, Arial, sans-serif
, the browser will automatically switch to an alternative font if the desired one is not found. Alternatively, browsers come with default font settings that can be changed by the user.

In essence, browsers have built-in mechanisms to handle missing characters at a fundamental level.

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