When the textfield mui is set to shrink, an additional space appears in the label when using a font size of 12px

Struggling to customize the appearance of the textField component, particularly with the label when it is minimized:

import * as React from "react";
import TextField from "@mui/material/TextField";
import { createTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
import createStyled from "@mui/system/createStyled";
import type { TextFieldProps } from "@mui/material/TextField";

const defaultTheme = createTheme({});
const styled = createStyled({ defaultTheme });

const CustomTextField = styled(TextField)<TextFieldProps>(
  ({ theme, size }) => ({
    "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
      height: size === "small" ? theme.spacing(5) : theme.spacing(6)
    "& .MuiInputLabel-root": {
      transform: "translate(14px, 8px) scale(1)"
   "& .MuiInputLabel-shrink": {
      transform: "translate(12px, -9px) scale(0.75)",
      fontSize: "12px",
      fontWeight: 500,
      letterSpacing: 0.6,
      lineHeight: '20px',
      "&.MuiInputLabel-sizeSmall": {
        transform: "translate(12px, -9px) scale(0.75)"

export default function BasicTextFields() {
  return (
      InputLabelProps={{ shrink: true }}

The issue causing concern is the additional space between the border and the text: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ALeKR.png

Answer №1

Here's a demonstration featuring the Mui filedSet and legend in TextFiled component.

import * as React from "react";
import TextField from "@mui/material/TextField";
import { createTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
import createStyled from "@mui/system/createStyled";
import type { TextFieldProps } from "@mui/material/TextField";

const defaultTheme = createTheme({});
const styled = createStyled({ defaultTheme });

const CustomTextField = styled(TextField)<TextFieldProps>(
  ({ theme, size }) => ({
    "& .MuiOutlinedInput-root": {
      height: size === "small" ? theme.spacing(5) : theme.spacing(6),
      '& fieldset legend span':{
    "& .MuiInputLabel-root": {
      transform: "translate(14px, 8px) scale(1)",
    "& .MuiInputLabel-shrink": {
      transform: "translate(12px, -9px) scale(0.75)",
      "&.MuiInputLabel-sizeSmall": {
        transform: "translate(12px, -9px) scale(0.75)"

export default function BasicTextFields() {
  return (
      InputLabelProps={{ shrink: true }}

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