The click event is failing to trigger because of the alteration in the width of the table cell

I've encountered a unique issue - I'm working with a <table> where each <td> contains a text box as well as an add button in the following cell. The text box includes an onblur function that hides the textbox and generates a <span> element for the textbox value, which has a narrower width.

My concern arises when typing into the text box and then clicking the add button. The 'onblur' event triggers first, causing the position of the add button to shift due to the text box hiding. As a result, the click event does not activate. How can I ensure both events work independently of each other?

<td><Span>bla<Span><input type="text" onblur="hideTextboxCreateNewSpan()"/></td>
<td><a onclick="AddNewTextBox()">Add</a></td>

This outlines the structure of my table, along with the multitude of code within both functions. Due to the extensive nature of the code, I'm unable to provide a copy. Any assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Perhaps consider utilizing the setTimeout function to ensure that the button is clicked before the hideTextBoxCreateNewSpan function is triggered:

onblur="setTimeout(hideTextboxCreateNewSpan, 0);"

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