What is preventing the inner box from stretching to match the width of the outer box?

This question isn't really related to academics, it's more of a work-related inquiry that I've simplified into a basic question.

I placed one div inside another expecting the inner div to inherit the width of the outer div. Initially, this is what occurs.

However, when I input a large amount of text into the outer div causing it to exceed the viewport width, disable text wrapping, and enable scrolling, a strange situation unfolds.

The inner div now takes on the width of the viewport rather than the outer div. You can scroll sideways to see that the outer div is actually wider due to the text content, but the inner div remains constrained to the viewport width.

This defies my initial assumption that the inner div would always match the width of the outer div.


  This is after the angular part.
<div id="outerDiv" style="background-color:blue;white-space:nowrap;overflow-x:scroll;">
  This is a bunch of text.  It is here to make the outer box wider than the viewport.  Today, Bette and I had lunch at Outback.  Outback's steak was good.
  <div id="innerDiv" style="background-color:red;">
    Just some text to make it appear.
<div id="outerDivWidth">
<div id="innerDivWidth">
  let od = document.getElementById('outerDiv');
  let ow = od.offsetWidth;
  let odw = document.getElementById('outerDivWidth')
  odw.textContent = ow;

  let id = document.getElementById('innerDiv');
  let iw = id.offsetWidth;
  let idw = document.getElementById('innerDivWidth')
  idw.textContent = iw;

Answer №1

Let me break down the process of how browsers handle and display block level elements based on my understanding.

Understanding the Width of Block Level Elements Reference

By default, the width of a <div>, which is a block level element, will be equal to the computed width of the containing block created by its parent element.

This means that #innerDiv will expand to match the computed width of #outerDiv, and in turn, #outerDiv will match the computed width of the <body>, which in your case will be close to the viewport width.

Concept of Anonymous Block Boxes Reference

When a block element container (like #outerDiv) contains another block-level element (#innerDiv), it will only be able to contain block-level elements.

In your scenario, the text outside #innerDiv but inside #outerDiv will be treated as if it were part of an anonymous block-level box. It's as if the text is enclosed within an invisible <div>.

Preventing Line Breaks

Applying white-space:nowrap to #outerDiv will prevent the text inside the anonymous block from breaking into a new line. The content will extend beyond the right margin of its parent, resulting in a horizontal scrollbar when combined with overflow-x:scroll.

Final Outcome

As you mentioned, the inner div actually inherits the width of the outer div (#innerDiv). The width of the outer div (#outerDiv) remains unaffected by the anonymous block element inside it.

It might seem like an illusion, but it's the anonymous block box and #innerDiv that are scrolling within the block generated by #outerDiv.

To illustrate this visually, you can add a background image to #outerDiv, and as you scroll, you'll notice the background image remains fixed:

Consider Using Grid Layout

If you're seeking a solution, one approach is to apply display:grid to #outerDiv. While I'm not an expert on CSS grids, this could ensure that #innerDiv matches the width of the other content within #outerDiv. While this method may not be applicable in all scenarios, it may align with your expected outcome.

Observe the difference in element widths in the console, where .inner surpasses the width of .outer.

Answer №2

When you set the width of a div to 100% in relation to its parent div, the outerDiv will span 100% of the viewport. Even with overflow enabled, the offsetWidth of the div remains unchanged at 100% of the viewport. However, the content's width is what actually changes.

This anomaly may occur because the innerDiv still adheres to the width of the outerDiv rather than adjusting to the expanded content's width (potentially a small oversight by the W3C). Does this explanation make sense?

So, essentially, you're scrolling the content within the confines of the div, not the div within the boundaries of the body.

A plausible resolution:

You can retrieve the scrollWidth of an element (representing the content's width). Consequently, through JavaScript, you can adjust the width of the innerDiv accordingly:

let od = document.getElementById('outerDiv');
let ow = od.scrollWidth;

let id = document.getElementById('innerDiv');
let iw = id.style.width = ow+"px";

This resource might offer further assistance.

Answer №3

To achieve the desired layout, you can apply the CSS property display: table; to the #outerDiv. While using tables for layout is not ideal, including CSS tables, it can still work with some side-effects to consider.

For more information and a detailed explanation, you can refer to this related question.

Further elaborating per request, when width is not explicitly specified for a block element, it defaults to 100% of the parent element or the viewport if no parent width is set. By setting the parent #outerDiv to have a width of 1000px, the #innerDiv will also stretch accordingly. Applying display: table resets this behavior, making all block child elements stretch to fit the width of the table.

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