CSS fluid divs floating on a single line

Imagine having a series of images with text below them, all wrapped in a div and centered. There are 20 of these elements with similar image sizes but varying amounts of text.

The goal is to line up as many as possible on one row, each with 10px margin on the sides. They should be center-aligned and evenly fill the browser window width. If the window is very narrow, they should stack vertically.

If you have a CSS solution for this mobile-specific layout challenge, please share!


Here's the basic HTML and CSS code I've been using:

<div class="m-parent-navigation-container">
    <div class="m-icon-navigation-container">
        <a class="m-icon-navigation-link"><img><br></a>
    margin: 0 10px;
    color: rgb(26, 46, 120);
    font-size: 0.9em;
    overflow: hidden;

    float: left;
    text-align: center;
    width: 25%;

    display: block;
    font-family: OpenSansBold;
    font-weight: normal;
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;

Answer №1

Check out this helpful resource: http://jsfiddle.net/3QSVg/

Make sure to focus on the display: inline-block; and text-align: center; for key elements.

This may not be the exact solution you need, but it's a good starting point.


Take a look at the revised version here: http://jsfiddle.net/j78Qw/1/

It's getting closer to your desired outcome, although there are still some issues to address.

Answer №2

Consider using flexbox to achieve this layout. Although browser support is not yet universal, it works well with webkit engines like iOS, Android, and Chrome on Windows.

Check out an example here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/fHklC

Answer №3

It seems that a pure CSS solution may not be possible.

To achieve the desired layout, start by floating the image boxes to the left using float: left. With the help of JS, you can determine the width of the outer container and divide it by the width of the image box to calculate how many image boxes can fit in a row. This calculation will give you the maximum possible size for each box to fill the entire width of the container, enabling you to align the images to the center.

<ul id="gallery">
    <li><img src="…" /></li>
    <li><img src="…" /></li>

var list = $('#gallery');
var items = list.find('li');

var imageWidth = items.width('auto').outerWidth(true);
var nrOfItemsPerRow = Math.min(Math.floor(list.innerWidth() / imageWidth), items.length);
items.css('width', Math.floor(100 / nrOfItemsPerRow) + '%');

Answer №5

Utilize inline-block for optimal design

View an example here

While inline-block has its advantages, it may not be fully supported in older versions of Internet Explorer such as I.E.7. However, there are ways to work around this limitation.

This insightful article delves into the workarounds for using inline-block effectively.

If compatibility with I.E.7 is a concern, consider including the following:

/* For IE 7 */
zoom: 1;
*display: inline;

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