What is preventing SVG textPath from displaying properly? [Empty output in devtools]

I found this interesting code snippet on Mozilla and decided to incorporate it into a Vue component.

<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <path id="MyPath" fill="none" stroke="red"
        d="M10,90 Q90,90 90,45 Q90,10 50,10 Q10,10 10,40 Q10,70 45,70 Q70,70 75,50" />
    <textPath href="#MyPath">
      The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


Unfortunately, I encountered an issue where the <textPath> element didn't display, only the <path> rendered.

I attempted to adjust the width, display settings, overflow properties, but nothing seemed to work. It remained at a size of 0x0.

This problem is puzzling to me, especially since the same code works in other tabs when Vue is not involved.

To clarify, I am working with Vue and Gridsome.

Answer №1

Spent an entire hour debugging, and finally discovered the root of the issue: Text fails to render when the body contains dir="rtl".

All it took was changing the SVG's direction back to ltr.

But how can I make it work in rtl mode???

Check out this unanswered question.

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