When a Mui Button is clicked, it changes the color of all tabs instead of just the active

My website footer contains 5 links represented by Mui Buttons with the component set to {Link} in order to transform them into clickable links. Currently, all the buttons are black and change to green when hovered over. However, I want the button color to remain green if it has been clicked. The issue is that the onClick event changes the color of all buttons, not just the active one.

I have tried various solutions, but none have resolved the problem. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Attempted solution #1:

const styles = {
    footerLogo: {
     width: '300px',
     height: '57px',
     align: 'center'
    navLink: {
      fontSize: '16px',
      color: 'black',
    active: {
      color: 'green'

  const navButtons = [
      button: "Services",
      link: "/services",
      button: "Featured Work",
      link: "/work",
      button: "About",
      link: "/about",
      button: "Contact",
      link: "/contact",

  const location = window.location.pathname;

  const currentTab = location === navButtons[0].link ? styles.active : styles.navLink

        {navButtons.map(({button, link, index}) => (

Attempted solution #2:

const [isClicked, setIsClicked] = useState(false);

const handleClick = () => {

        {navButtons.map(({button, link, index}) => (
                color : isClicked ? "green" : "black",

Answer №1

const [isButtonClicked, setIsButtonClicked] = useState(false);

const handleButtonClick = (buttonIndex) =>{

        {navigationButtons.map(({label, targetLink, buttonIndex}) =>(
                color : isButtonClicked === buttonIndex ? "green" : "black",

Answer №2

When considering the initial approach, the comparison is consistently between the location and the first navbutton link, which is navButtons[0].link

Regarding the alternative solution, the isClicked state applies to the entire component rather than each individual button. It may be beneficial to include the isClicked property within your navBtn array instead of having a single state for it.

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