What is preventing me from adding a margin to the div directly? Why must I apply a margin to the child in order to affect the div's margin

I've encountered a strange situation with 2 fixes that seem rather unusual to me.

1: By removing the #MARGIN-30 tag and deleting the #Nav-bar tag under margin-3, the issue resolves itself when I reapply those tags.

2: Another fix is achieved by adding overflow:hidden;

I'm puzzled by this and wondering if anyone can provide insight into why this is happening. This is a first for me, as I have never experienced anything like this in my previous CSS projects or learning experiences.

Answer №1

It seems like you may be experiencing an issue with Margin Collapse. It's one of those quirky things in HTML/CSS that can catch you off guard.

In certain cases, the top and bottom margins of blocks will blend together (collapse) into a single margin, taking on the size of the largest individual margin (or just one if they're equal). This phenomenon is known as margin collapsing. Keep in mind that floating and absolutely positioned elements do not experience margin collapsing.

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