How can I create a custom elevation for a Vuetify v-menu?

I'm currently working with vuetify and v-menu as outlined in the official documentation here

I'm struggling to figure out how to apply elevation only on the bottom left and right corners. When I add a class "elevation-2" to my v-menu, the elevation appears all around it instead of just where I want it - on the left, right, and bottom edges.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Instead of just adding elevation-2 to the v-menu, I suggest using a css class selector on the v-btn and applying a box shadow. For example, you can create a css class selector called test-btn for your v-btn and style it with box shadow like this:

.test-btn {
  -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 11px 20px -3px #000000;
  box-shadow: 1px 11px 20px -3px #000000;

If you're unfamiliar with using box shadow in css, there are online generators available such as this one.

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