What is preventing me from accessing the hidden article using the URL with the hashname?

I've been searching for a solution, but so far nothing seems to work for me. I have a page with header and content sections. The content section is currently not visible. When I click on an item in the navigation menu, I want to hide the header and display the selected article. I managed to make it work, but when I try to access the article using the URL followed by #name, nothing happens.

Using "jsfiddle" won't help in this situation, but I will share the code there to demonstrate what I have done. Is there another way to achieve this? Perhaps hiding articles with code and adjusting opacity, or using jQuery's "addClass" function? I'm feeling a bit lost and stuck at the moment.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


Answer №1

If you prefer, you could achieve the same result using only CSS: Visit this link for an example.

The challenging part in this approach is figuring out how to hide it again. One option is to create a "close" button that links to another anchor tag:

<a href="#clear">Close</a>

Answer №2

If you want to dynamically show and hide articles on your website, you can easily implement JS conditions based on the link. Check out the updated JSfiddle I have prepared for you:


$(function () {

    var hash = window.location.hash;
    $(".article-nav a").on("click", function () {       
        $('#article-' + $(this).attr("id")).show();
article {
  display: none;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <ul class="article-nav">
      <li><a id="1" href="#article-1">Article 01</a></li>
      <li><a id="2" href="#article-2">Article 02</a></li>
<div id="content">
  <article id="article-1" class="main-article">Article 01 Lorem ipsum</article>
  <article id="article-2" class="main-article">Article 02 Lorem ipsum</article>

Just a friendly tip: Always validate user input, as they have the ability to manipulate the hash value in the URL and potentially inject harmful code into your website. Be cautious and check the validity of the hash before using it.

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