Dynamic stylesheet in Vue component

Currently, I am utilizing a Vue component (cli .vue) and facing the challenge of selectively displaying my stylesheet based on a boolean value.

To put it simply: When myVar==false, the component should not load its styles.

<style v-if="myVar" lang="scss"> @import 'mystyles.css' </style>

Although achieving this directly is not possible, I am seeking alternative methods to achieve a similar outcome.

I aim to only load my styles in Vue if the user desires to apply default styles. Otherwise, I want to prevent them from loading.

It's important to note that my component will be used multiple times on a page, and the condition for using or ignoring default CSS needs to be applied consistently across all instances.

Do you have any suggestions or insights on how to approach this? Your help and ideas are greatly appreciated :)

Answer №1

To incorporate CSS using SCSS, you can encapsulate the styles within a dedicated class like so:

<style lang="scss">

.special-class {
    @import 'customstyles.scss';


Then, utilize a Vue class binding for that specific class:

<div :class="{ special-class: true }">

This ensures that the CSS effects are only active when the designated class is applied to the element. If you wish for the styles to be consistently implemented throughout the application, simply assign that class to the root element of the app.

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