Concealing a hyperlink depending on the value chosen in a dropdown menu

Looking for guidance on how to use jQuery to read the current value of a drop-down list and hide a specific link based on that value.

The drop-down list is for selecting the language/locale. For example, when "English" is selected, I want the link to be hidden. However, if "French" is selected, the link should remain visible.

Could someone demonstrate how this can be achieved? Eager to learn. Thank you!

Answer №1

Consider the following solution:

function toggleLanguageLink() {
    if ($('#language-choice').val() == 'english') {
    } else {
$(function() {
    // hide/show the link based on current language selection

    // update link visibility when language is changed (useful for dynamic pages)

Answer №2

The final code version that worked for me based on the first answer and additional hints from the author includes a compact form without any styling. This code is for the main page in the index.html.erb file of the test application:

<h2 id='main_header'>Showing/hiding link based on dropdown selection</h2>

    <th>Skip assessment</th>
    <th>Reason for skipping</th>
        <%= link_to 'Start asseement', url_for(controller: :home, action: :start_assessment), id: 'start_assessment' %>
        <%= select_tag "skip_option", options_for_select([ "Yes", "No" ], "No"), id: "skip_option", onchange: "reason_picker()" %>
        <%= text_field_tag "reason_for_skipping", nil, size: 50, placeholder: 'Enter reason here...' %>

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready (
    window.reason_picker = function () {
      var selected = document.getElementById("skip_option").selectedIndex;
      if (selected == 0) {
      else {

The start assessment page simply contains a title and back link to the main page, located in the start_assessment.html.erb file:


<%= link_to 'Back', :back %>

For reference, here is the home_controller.rb file which includes the index and start_assessment methods:

class HomeController < ApplicationController
  def index

  def start_assessment

Finally, the route.rb file has the following routes:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root controller: 'home', action: :index
  get 'start_assessment' => 'home#start_assessment'

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