Determine line-height and adjust positions using JavaScript in the Chrome browser

I am creating a basic text reading application with a line to aid in easy reading.

The functionality involves using the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to adjust the position of a red line based on the line-height property. This is accomplished through the following function:

var line = example.$line[0],
    $text = example.$text,
    top = parseFloat( / 1,
    lineHeight = parseFloat($text.css('line-height')).toFixed(1) / 1; 

if (move == 'up') { = (top - lineHeight) + 'px';
if (move == 'down') { = (top + lineHeight) + 'px';

However, there are different outcomes observed only in Chrome browser. How can this issue be resolved?

Answer №1

Applying the line-height in px is a simple solution to resolve the issue at hand.

Take a look at this functional demonstration on this live fiddle (tested on Chrome).

The modification made was solely within your CSS code snippet:

line-height: 1.8;

Changed to:

line-height: 22px;

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