Can you explain the distinction between locating an element by its class name versus locating it by its CSS selector?

Class name:

var x = document.getElementsByClassName("intro");

CSS selector:

var x = document.querySelectorAll("p.intro");

I'm a bit puzzled, are there any distinctions between the two methods or are they essentially the same?

Answer №1

Using the method document.getElementsByClassName("intro");
will give you an array of HTML elements.
If you use document.querySelectorAll("p.intro");
, you will get an array of nodes instead.

To understand the difference between elements and nodes, check out this link.

Answer №2

When it comes to CSS Selectors, class names are just one type among others such as elements, ids, and pseudo selectors. These different types can be combined in various ways to target specific elements on a webpage. Check out the complete list here

If you use document.getElementsByClassName, you are restricted to selecting by class only, but with document.querySelectorAll, you have the flexibility to select using different combinations like p.intro

You can further refine your selection by specifying multiple class names if the element has all of them.

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