What is causing the issue of my oversized images not showing up on GoDaddy?

I recently uploaded my website on GoDaddy and I am facing an issue where some of my small images (sizes: 872 × 546px) are displaying perfectly fine, but the large ones (banners with a size of 2700 × 900px) aren't showing up. Does anyone have an idea why this might be happening?

Upon investigating here, it seems like there is an error preventing the banner image from loading. I've attempted to use <img srcset> but unfortunately, it hasn't resolved the issue.

Edit: Both the small and large images are in the same directory.

For the large images:

<section class="banner">
  <img src="img/WhyHim_Header.jpg" alt="whyhim" class="img-responsive">

For the small images:

<section class="polaroidimages">
    <img src="img/Image2.jpg" alt="Image 2">

Answer №1

Would you be able to give further information? Typically, these types of errors are linked to either the specified path or file name. Have you double-checked that the file name and extension are accurate?

Answer №2

Make sure to double check the size of your files - GoDaddy recommends that images do not exceed 30MB and should not be larger than 1920 x 1080 pixels. If your filepaths are accurate, this could be the root of the problem.

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