Move to the right with floating using Angular Material

I am dealing with a situation in which I have an md-card-content element. Inside it, there is a div and another md-card-content element. The challenge I am facing is that I want to move the contents of the inner md-card-content to the right. I tried using padding-left: 50%, but if the text in the first div is too long, it goes off the page. I also attempted to use layout-align="end start", but unfortunately, it did not work as expected.

  <md-card-content layout="row">       
         <div layout="column">
            <md-icon md-svg-icon="extraIcons:offline" class="md-24"></md-icon>
             <span class="md-subhead">{{vm.device.serialNumber}}</span>
             <md-icon md-svg-icon="extraIcons:offline" class="md-24"></md-icon>
            <span class="md-subhead">{{vm.device.ipAddress}}</span>  

         <md-card-content class="layout-row layout-align-end-start">
                <md-icon md-svg-icon="extraIcons:{{vm.device.connectionStatus|lowercase}}" class="md-24 "></md-icon>
                 <md-icon md-svg-icon="extraIcons:{{vm.device.operationalStatus|lowercase}}" class="md-24 {{vm.device.operationalStatus|lowercase}} "></md-icon>
        <md-icon md-svg-icon="extraIcons:{{vm.device.overallStatus|lowercase}}" class="md-24 {{vm.device.overallStatus|lowercase}} "></md-icon>
              <div ng-if="vm.device.requiresMaintenance">
                 <md-icon md-svg-icon="extraIcons:maintenance" class="md-24 maintenance"></md-icon>

Answer №1

Avoid using md-card-content without the md-card directive as it may result in unintended styles being applied. It is recommended to wrap your content within an md-card element to ensure proper styling.


While the inner components are optional, the outer md-card component is mandatory for correct display.

NOTE: Consider using CSS classes instead of attributes for layout formatting, as this has been the recommended practice for some time now (exact version not specified). Use:

<tag class="layout-row layout-align-end-start" ...>

instead of:

<tag layout="row" layout-align="end-start" ...>

This will help you avoid potential issues and simplify your code structure.

Answer №2

When incorporating Angular Material with Flex Layout, the fxFlex property aligns seamlessly with mat-card, even accommodating multi-level nested cards while remaining responsive.

  <div id="leftContainer" fxFlex="80%">
    <!-- content goes here -->
  <div id="rightContainer" fxFlex="20%">
    <!-- content goes here -->

Answer №3

apply the style="float:right" property and modify their size by using width:50%

Answer №4

Practical demonstration with standard styling

  • fxLayoutAlign="flex-end" : Aligns the contents of the div to the right
  • class="mt10 pl10 pr10" : Adds optional padding to top, left, and right

  <div class="mt10 pl10 pr10" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="10px" fxLayoutAlign="flex-end">
      <input matInput type="search" [(ngModel)]="searchValue">
      <button mat-icon-button matSuffix color="primary" aria-label="search" (click)="applyFilter($event)">
    <button mat-mini-fab color="primary" [routerLink]="['/users/add']">
    <button mat-mini-fab color="primary" [routerLink]="['/users/upload']">

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