What is the reason for the ID "home-ad" not functioning properly in Firefox?

While working on some CSS styling, I encountered an issue with the ID "home-ad" not displaying properly in Firefox. The box model was showing a content size of 0x-40 (with 40 being the padding value). Interestingly, when I changed the ID name, the code worked perfectly without any problems.

I tested it in Chrome as well, and found that the home-ad ID displayed correctly.

Although I have decided to use a different ID moving forward, I am intrigued by why this display issue occurred in Firefox.

Check out the JSFiddle link for a visual comparison of the results in both Firefox and Chrome.


<div id="home-ad">
        <p class="text-center">First Div</p>
<div id="home-advert">
        <p class="text-center">Second Div</p>


#home-ad {
    background-color: #fff669;
#home-advert {
    background-color: #fff669;

Answer №1

Ah, the joys of working on my desktop. The ad blocker I have installed caused the issue.

Thankfully, crisis avoided!

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