What is causing the initial activation of the <button> within a form?

Within my <form>, I have included 2 submit buttons.

The first button looks like this:

<button  class="regular" id="geocodesubmit" style="height:40px;">Set Location</button>

The second button looks like this:

<button  type="submit" class="regular" name="Submit Discovery">Submit</button>

I'm facing an issue where pressing enter on one of the text boxes activates the first button instead of the second. How can I make sure the second button is activated instead?

I want to prevent the first button from responding to any keypresses.

Please note that using input type="submit" is not an option for me due to the extensive CSS customization in place.

Answer №1

According to the HTML4 specification, the default type of a button tag is submit. However, if the first button does not have a type attribute, it will also act as a submit button.

To remedy this issue, you should assign type="button" to the first button element.

Answer №2

Next, ensure to create separate onclick functions for each button based on their specific purposes. Another option is to assign unique name tags to the buttons and implement the necessary tasks within the program.

Answer №3

it is

<button type="submit" class="basic-button" name="Submit Form">Send</button>

not a button

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