Error encountered on Facebook Like button: The large button is failing to show the total number of likes received

Despite functioning flawlessly for months, the large Facebook Like button has suddenly stopped showing the number of "Likes". Strangely, the compact version is still working fine, but the larger button is concealing the count. I am using a Mac and have observed this glitch consistently across Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers. You can verify that the big buttons are malfunctioning on, while all the small buttons are displaying correctly in each article view.

Upon inspecting the markup, I discovered that the div with the class "connect_widget_number_cloud" has an inline style of "visibility:hidden". This is puzzling because the CSS style is not present in the markup itself, yet it appears in the Chrome CSS Inspector.

This issue first surfaced on September 1st, 2011. Is there anyone from Facebook who can provide insights or commentary on this matter?

Answer №1

Furthermore, it appears to be malfunctioning on Facebook's official site. The issue has been officially reported.

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