We create browser add-ons for popular browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. Our add-ons inject HTML elements into various websites such as mail.google.com and email14.secureserver.net.
The HTML element we use has a border-radius CSS property set to 5px. It displays correctly on most websites and browsers, but when accessed through using Internet Explorer, the border-radius is not applied, and certain properties appear in red:
On mail.google.com:
On email14.secureserver.net:
What could be causing this issue and has the website disabled support for border-radius?
Is there a way to define border-radius that will work consistently across all websites, including email14.secureserver.net? I know that border-radius is compatible with Internet Explorer 9 and newer versions.
How can I check if email14.secureserver.net is running an older version of Internet Explorer, and is it possible to enable border-radius without affecting compatibility with older modes?
I personally use Internet Explorer 11, but I want this add-on to function smoothly across all versions of Internet Explorer.