Applying CSS selectors to target child elements within a select option

I am looking to apply a CSS selector only on select option child values. I have assigned an id to the selector and now I want to apply different CSS styles to each child (child 1, child 2, etc).

<select name="options[81]" id="select_81" class="required-entry product-custom-option">
    <option value="">-- Please Select --</option>
    <option value="229" price="0">ariel </option>
    <option value="230" price="0">times new roman </option>

I have tried several selectors but none seem to work:

    font-family: 'Arial';

    font-size: 30px;
    font-weight: 800;

    font-size: 30px;
    font-weight: 800;

    font-size: 30px;
    font-weight: 800;

select#select_81option:nth-child(2), option:nth-child(3) {
    font-weight: bold;

How can this be achieved using CSS?

Answer №1

The majority of web browsers restrict the amount of customization allowed on standard <select> dropdown menus. This limitation has spurred the creation of tools like Select2.

To learn more about customizing dropdown menus, visit:

Answer №2

That's because you're using .product.custom-option instead of .product-custom-option.

However, there's no need for such complicated code.

To address your query about selecting the nth option, you can utilize the :nth-child() selector:

select#select_81 option:nth-child(1) {}
select#select_81 option:nth-child(2) {}
select#select_81 option:nth-child(3) {}
select#select_81 option:nth-child(4) {}
select#select_81 option:nth-child(5) {}

It's worth noting that styling the options within a select dropdown is limited as they usually come with default styles that cannot be modified.

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