what distinguishes CSS properties for Id versus class selectors

Currently in the process of creating my inaugural website, which consists of just four pages. Each page follows the standard layout structure with a header, navigation bar, content division (div id="content"), and footer.

As I delve into adding CSS properties to these HTML elements, I find myself utilizing both IDs and classes within the CSS stylesheet. After researching the topic and learning that it's recommended to use both ID and class for an element, I now face the dilemma of determining which CSS properties should be placed in CSS ID rules versus CSS class rules.

To provide context, let's consider a specific CSS rule:

  margin: 0 auto;
  width: 960px;

Should this rule be applied universally to structural elements such as the header, main content area, and footer? Or would it be more effective to repeat the margin and width properties individually within the CSS ID rules of each structural element?

Your insights on this matter are greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

  • Utilize both id and class properties for styling elements in HTML.
  • The primary distinction between id and class is that:
    • An id uniquely identifies an element, allowing you to apply specific styles to it. Each element should have a different id for logical purposes.
    • A class can be used for multiple elements that require the same styling attributes.
  • Consider the following simple example:



  • In this case, #but represents an id, indicating that only one button with this id will have a red background. whereas .but1 is a class, meaning all buttons with this class will have a blue background color.

Answer №2

When it comes to classes and IDs in HTML, the key distinction lies in their usage frequency. An ID should only be utilized once on a webpage while a class can be applied multiple times.

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