What distinguishes between using ul#test and #test ul in CSS?

Could someone help clarify the distinction between these two types of CSS declarations:

ul#test {

#test ul {

Despite my searching, I am unable to pinpoint the difference, but they exhibit different behaviors when implemented on a test page. To me, it seems that both declarations serve the same purpose, which is to link the #test ID exclusively with a UL element it is associated with. However, in practice, when using ul#test in my stylesheet, the styling works correctly. Conversely, if I use #test ul, it does not.

You can view what I'm referencing here:


Does ul#test imply that the ID is specifically assigned to a UL tag, while #test ul indicates that the UL resides within another element assigned the ID?

Answer №1

ul#test {

This particular styling is aimed at the ul element with the id of test

#test ul {

Here, the styling is targeting a ul element that is within an ancestor element with the id of test

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