Here's a unique rewrite: "Learn how to manipulate the CSS class of a textarea element (specifically in NicEdit) by utilizing the addClass

I am currently validating a textarea using the NicEdit plugin.

var getContent = nicEditors.findEditor("SubSliderDescription").getContent();

bValid = bValid && checkBlankTextArea(getContent, "SubSliderDescription")

function checkBlankTextArea(o, n) {
    if (o == "<br>" || o == null) {
        // Add a class to the textarea to display validation errors
        // o.addClass("ui-state-error");
        updateTips(n + " is required.");
        return false;
    } else {
        // o.removeClass("ui-state-error");
        return true;

If the validation fails, the Nic Editor should apply the ui-state-error class (which adds a red border to the control), otherwise it should not. However, I am encountering an error in the script that says the methods addClass or removeClass cannot be applied.

Is there any solution to this issue?

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

function validateEmptyTextArea(element, name) {
    if ($(element).prop('tagName') == "TEXTAREA") {// checking for textarea
        //class to be added to textarea for validation display
        $(element).addClass("ui-state-error");// adding class here
        updateTips(name + " cannot be empty.");
        return false;
     else {
         return true;

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