Guide on hosting Google's Material Design Icon-Fonts on your personal server and incorporating them into your website

To access the Material Design Icon Fonts, it is advised to download them in various formats such as ttf, eot, woff, and woff2. These fonts can then be hosted on a server location and integrated into your CSS using the following code:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Material Icons';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: url(; /* For IE6-8 */
  src: local('Material Icons'),
       url( format('woff2'),
       url( format('woff'),
       url( format('truetype');

The challenge arises when accessing the icons from the Material Design Icons Collection page. Upon selecting an icon, a menu appears with options like SVG, PNGS, and <> ICON FONT. Clicking on the last option leads to instructions that recommend loading the icon font from the web, which may not be feasible if internet connectivity is limited. See the screenshot below.

So how can one acquire the material design icon fonts in formats like eot, ttf, woff, and woff2 for self-hosting without requiring an active internet connection?

Answer №1

When looking at the Material Icons' CSS file, you can find a direct URL that allows you to download the raw .woff2 file:

This link will take you to the location where you can obtain the .woff2 file:

It is important to note that the stability of this .woff2 link may vary and could potentially change in the future. However, it should be sufficient for a one-time download if you plan on self-hosting the file.

Answer №2

The guide's most recent update, as of April 2023, suggests that fonts can be downloaded from the Github repository. However, it should be noted that only the TTF version of the font is available on that repo, with the other formats (EOT, WOFF, WOFF2) being absent.

For those looking for all versions of the font in TTF, WOFF, and WOFF2 formats, there is a fork located at The EOT format is not included, but this is typically only required for Internet Explorer 6-8.

To access the fonts, simply retrieve them from the repository (note that filenames may differ from those stated in Google's documentation) and upload them to your server. This method has been successfully implemented by many, including myself, after adjusting filenames to align with Google's specifications.

Alternatively, the repository offers setup instructions for various other methods of accessing the fonts.

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