What could be the reason for the compatibility issues between CSS/SASS modules and a third-party library?

I am puzzled by the fact that my sass modules do not affect the third-party component I am using, specifically react-horizontal-scrolling-menu

   data={items && items.map((item: any) => renderItem(item))}

import styles from './index.module.scss';

const renderItem = (item: any) => (
      onClick={() => {
      <img style={imgStyle} src={item.image} alt="loyalty-img" />
      <div className="item-title">{item.name}</div>

The CSS is not being applied to the component in the renderItem function. However, if I use regular CSS, it works fine.

import './index.css' 

const renderItem = (item: any) => (
      onClick={() => {
      <img style={imgStyle} src={item.image} alt="loyalty-img" />
      <div className="category-container-items-title">{item.name}</div>

Is there anyone who knows why this is happening? Is there a solution for me to use sass modules in a third-party component? Thank you in advance.

Note: Components or React elements outside of ScrollMenu are working correctly with the sass module.

Answer №1

It appears that there may be an issue related to scoping with your Sass modules. When importing styles from './index.module.scss', those styles are confined to elements within that specific component only. However, when passing a function as a prop to a third-party component like ScrollMenu, it introduces a new scope which could prevent the styles from being applied as intended.

One potential solution is to consider using global CSS classes in your Sass modules instead of local ones. For instance, rather than defining a class such as '.my-item' in your index.module.scss file, define it as ':global(.my-item)'. This will ensure that the class is applied universally and not restricted to the component's scope.

Alternatively, you could pass the styles as props to the ScrollMenu component so that they can be directly applied within the component's scope. For example:

  data={items && items.map((item: any) => renderItem(item))}
  styles={{ item: styles['my-item'] }}

Subsequently, in your renderItem function, you can access the styles through the styles prop:

const renderItem = (item: any, styles: any) => (
    onClick={() => {
    <img style={imgStyle} src={item.image} alt="loyalty-img" />
    <div className="category-container-items-title">{item.name}</div>

I trust this guidance proves beneficial for your situation.

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