Using CSS to disable an image map in conjunction with dynamically adjusting CSS styling

On the desktop version of the website, there is an imagemap implemented. However, when the site transitions into tablet or mobile view, the imagemap should be disabled to allow for a simpler navigation area to be displayed. I attempted to use the following CSS code:

map { display: none; }

Unfortunately, the imagemap still appears on the page. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to successfully disable the imagemap in tablet and mobile views?

Answer №1

When faced with a similar assignment requirement, I found a solution by incorporating two <img> tags in my HTML document. One was labeled "desktopImage" and the other "mobileImage," with the image map linked only to the desktop image. To achieve this, I utilized the display:none property in my default.css file for the mobile image tag, and vice versa in the mobile.css file.

For example:

In the HTML file:

<img id="desktopImage" src="someimage.jpg" usemap="someimagemap" />
<img id="mobileImage" src="someimage.jpg" />

In default css doc:

  display: none;

In mobile css doc:

  display: none;

Please note that while this method may not be considered the most efficient, it proved effective for completing an introductory HTML and CSS assignment without relying on JavaScript or responsive image maps and browser plugins, as suggested in previous responses.

Answer №2

To enhance your map display, consider incorporating a new CSS class called .map within your media query:

.map {
     display: none !important;
     position: absolute !important;
     left: -9999px !important;

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