"What could be causing the jQuery to not function properly in the head section

After experiencing slow loading times for the navigation menu on mobile devices, I decided to move my code to the <head> area. You can check out the demo at this link:

I'm utilizing TinyNav.js to convert my navigation into a select dropdown. In order to make it work more efficiently, I've added a class to the <ul> using jQuery. Currently, the code is placed in the footer and works fine, but there's still an issue with its loading time.

 $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#menufy ul').addClass('zigla');

 (function(a, i, g) {
     a.fn.tinyNav = function(j) {
         var b = a.extend({
             active: "selected",
             header: "",
             label: ""
         }, j);
         return this.each(function() {
             var h = a(this),
                 d = "tinynav"
             g, f = ".l_"
             d, e = a("<select/>").attr("id", d).addClass("tinynav "
             if (h.is("ul,ol")) {
                 "" !== b.header && e.append(a("<option/>").text(b.header));
                 var c = "";
                     d).find("a").each(function() {
                     c = '<option value="'
                     var b;
                     for (b = 0; b < a(this).parents("ul, ol").length - 1; b) c = "- ";
                     c = a(this).text()
                 b.header || e.find(":eq("
                     a(f " li").index(a(f " li."
                     ")").attr("selected", !0);
                 e.change(function() {
                     i.location.href = a(this).val()
                 b.label && e.before(a("<label/>").attr("for", d).addClass("tinynav_label "
                     d "_label").append(b.label))
 })(jQuery, this, 0);

I'm facing issues with getting this code to function properly within the <head> section. Any advice on why that might be happening?

Answer №1

It is essential to relocate

$('#menufy ul').addClass('zigla');

within the scope of

$(document).ready(function() {


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