What could be causing the hover style to not take effect on the leaf nodes in jQuery Treeview?

Upon reviewing Sample 1 on this specific page, you may notice that the text turns red when hovering over the folder entries, but not for the leaf entries. My goal is to have the styling for the leaf entries mimic the behavior of the folder entries.

Each branch within the tree is represented as an unordered list. The leaf entries are individual list items (<li>). I have attempted changing the hover attribute for list items and adjusting the hover styling for different components within the DOM, yet it has proven ineffective or caused unintended consequences such as styling the entire branch with red text.

Is there a solution to achieve this desired outcome, where the text color changes for each individual item in the tree upon hovering, including the leaf nodes?

Answer №1

It's a bit uncertain if this meets your needs, however, the "file" nodes are enclosed within the

<span class="file"></span>
tags. You can easily select them using $('.file').hover()

Answer №2

While I'm still trying to fully grasp the concept, it's evident that in the jQuery treeview code, folder nodes and file nodes are treated differently by the author.

To address this difference, I decided to enclose the text of each file node within an <a> tag. This solution works well for me as these are meant to be links eventually. It allows me to customize their styles as follows:

.treeview a:link { }
.treeview a:visited { }
.treeview a:hover { }

This approach is quite interesting because it gives me the flexibility to apply unique hover effects to the file nodes and folder nodes if desired.

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