Is it possible to conceal a link once it has been visited?

I am trying to figure out how to remove a link from a page once it has been visited. However, I am facing privacy restrictions with the :visited pseudo-class. Is there a way to achieve this without using display: none?

For example:

.someclass a:link {display:block;}

.someclass a:visited {display:none;}

Thank you for your help.

Additional detail: I will also be including external links, so I cannot use jquery cookies or local storage. The links will be sent via email, so using jquery onclick in the "X" class is not an option.

Answer №1

Changing the color attribute is the only option available through the :visited pseudo-class due to a past security vulnerability. JavaScript used to be able to detect if a user had visited a URL by measuring the computed style of a link, but this has since been fixed in recent years. It's best to avoid relying on this method for the functionality you're looking for. For more details, check out this article:

Answer №2

To achieve a similar effect, you can set the visited link to have the same color as the background with this CSS:

a:link {display:block;}
a:visited {color:white}

Check out this example on

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