What could be causing the div to move when in the hover state?

Can someone explain why my two divs are moving when I hover over them?


<div class="two">
  <label class="one">
    <input type="radio"> Sanjeev
  <div class="two">
  <label class="one">
    <input type="radio"> Hari


  border:1px solid red;


  border:1px solid red;

Check out my code here!

Answer №1

The cause of this issue is the addition of a border on hover, which in turn alters the dimensions of the div element.

To resolve this issue, you can set a transparent border for the element before the hover effect takes place.

  border:1px solid red;
  border: 1px solid transparent;
  border:1px solid red;
<div class="two">
  <label class="one">
    <input type="radio"> Sanjeev
  <div class="two">
  <label class="one">
    <input type="radio"> Hari

Answer №2

To resolve this issue, simply set the border transparency in your CSS code.

View demo

.two {

  border: 1px solid transparent;

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