Struggling to add custom styles to an Ionic radio button

I'm struggling to adjust the position of the icon in an Ionic radio button so that it sits a bit higher, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it.

Below is the code snippet for reference:

<ion-radio class="radio-input" mode="md" slot="start" [value]="data"></ion-radio>

.radio-input {
  // there are other styles here not relevant to this issue

It appears that the .radio-icon class is what controls the part of the button I want to adjust, but my attempts at applying styling to it within the component's stylesheet have been unsuccessful. Targeting the .radio-input class affects the entire button rather than just the specific element I need to modify.

Unfortunately, simply hiding the element and creating a "fake" radio input isn't an option in this scenario.

Can anyone suggest the correct approach to resolve this issue?

Edit: The project is using Ionic 6.

Answer №1

When working with Ionic components, it's important to note that they utilize shadow DOM, which means direct styling or applying CSS classes like you would with standard HTML elements is not possible.

If you need to style these components, refer back to the documentation for guidance. According to their documentation:

To style internal elements of a Shadow DOM component externally, you must utilize CSS Custom Properties or CSS Shadow Parts.

It's essential to keep this in mind while developing. For instance:

ion-radio offers 2 parts that can be customized - mark and container. You can modify their styles using the following approach:

ion-radio::part(mark) {
    margin-bottom: 10px;

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