Do class bindings with variables need to be inline when using Vue 3?

Consider the following HTML:

<template v-for="(child, index) in group">
    <div :class="{'border-pink-700 bg-gray-100 ': selected ===}">
        <div>Container Content</div>

Is there a method to externalize the class binding from the HTML while still relying on a condition passed via the v-for loop (

Although the documentation mentions the possibility of binding computed properties, it seems that they do not accept arguments. I have attempted this approach without success.

Answer №1

One way to handle this is by creating a method and passing the item as an argument:

<div :class="classes(child)">
setup() {
  const classes = (child) => {
    return {
      'border-pink-700 bg-gray-100': selected.value ===
  return {

If you are working with Vue 2 or the Options API, you can achieve this like so:

methods: {
  classes(child) {
    return {
      'border-pink-700 bg-gray-100': this.selected ===

Just remember not to modify instance properties within the method, but it's okay to read them.

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