What could be causing the background image on my Jumbotron to fail to load?

Having some trouble with setting my image as the background of the Jumbotron. I've tried a few different approaches, but none seem to be working. It's not an issue with static loading because using img src directly into the Jumbotron section does work, although it doesn't set the image as the background. What am I missing here?


  background-image: url("/Users/papichulo/Documents/DatingAppCustom/dating_app/static/images/jumbo.jpg");

  background-image: "{% static 'images/jumbo.jpg' %}";
  <div class="jumbotron  JumboHeaderImg"></div>


  background-image: url('{% static "images/jumbo.jpg"%}');

Answer №1

When attempting to achieve this:

    background-image: url('{% static "images/jumbo.jpg"%}');

This method will not be successful if the CSS file is not rendered as a template. Otherwise, the URL will simply display as {% static "images/jumbo.jpg"%} because the static tag remains unparsed.

To properly set your image URL, consider using inline styles within your template, allowing for the static tag to function correctly. If you still want to embed it in the CSS file, you must manually insert the image URL.

An example utilizing inline style would appear as follows:

<div class="jumbotron" style="background-image: url('{% static "images/jumbo.jpg"%}')">

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