What could be causing my file input to appear misaligned?

Can anyone assist me with a strange issue I am facing? Despite using inspect element on my file input and it appearing in the correct place, it does not function as expected. To see for yourself, visit oceankarma.co and click on 'Post' at the top of the page. Next, attempt to click on the YouTube icon. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Each icon in the set has unique dimensions. Icons for Youtube and Vimeo are inserted using <img> tags, while other black icons are displayed as background images. This variation is causing inconsistent styles across the icons.

  1. Ensure all icons have the same dimensions.

  2. Keep consistent styles (excluding background images) so that all icons are either displayed as backgrounds or via <img> tags.

By implementing the above changes, you should achieve the desired result.

Answer №2

It seems like there may be an issue with the hidden file inputs overlapping on top of the YouTube link. A simple solution to this problem would be to add the following CSS code:

#servicetable tr td {
    position: relative;

#upload_video input, #upload_photo input {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;

Additionally, please keep in mind that you are unable to customize the cursor for file inputs. If you'd like more information on this topic, feel free to check out this post.

Answer №3

Unfortunately, the previous solutions didn't work for me. Taking inspiration from koala_dev's suggestion, I implemented a quick fix by applying the overflow:hidden style to the container, which resolved the issue.

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