Firefox and IE are unable to make changes to cssRules

To update existing global CSS rules, I access the document.styleSheets property to locate the rule and make modifications.

The selector can be modified by accessing the selectorText property.

Sample CSS code:

<style type="text/css">
    .class {
        color: #230020;

JavaScript snippet:

var rule = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0]; // Obtain the first rule.

/* Works in Chrome, Opera, Safari */
rule.selectorText; // Returns ".class"
rule.selectorText = ".another-class";
rule.selectorText; // Now returns ".another-class", showing successful modification.

An issue arises with Firefox and Internet Explorer as the selectorText property appears to be read-only in these browsers.

/* Behavior in Internet Explorer, Edge, and Firefox */
rule.selectorText; // Returns ".class"
rule.selectorText = ".another-class";
rule.selectorText; // Still returns ".class" without updating.

Is there a workaround to achieve this functionality in Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Edge?

Answer №1

Based on information from MDN, the property selectorText is designated as read-only:

The CSSRule.selectorText property retrieves the textual representation of the selector for the rule set. It is designed to be accessed in a readonly manner; if you need to modify stylesheet rules dynamically, refer to Using dynamic styling information.

It appears that there is no universal way across different browsers to alter the selector of a CSS rule. If this is your objective, one possible approach is to delete the entire rule and insert a new one with the same index while including all rule properties alongside the selector. Here's an example:

var cssText = document.styleSheets[1].cssRules[0].style.cssText;
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule('.another-class { ' + cssText + ' }', 0);

This method has been successfully tested in Firefox and various other browsers. Be sure to check out insertRule() and deleteRule().

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